Check OR Time It

The most important information

Meaning of icons and symbols, working modes, etc.

Table of Contents


Types of tasks

Tasks in the application are divided into tasks of type:

  • ordinary, three-state, which may be in one of three states:
    • To do (to realize) marked with icon - the task is waiting to start its realization;
    • Doing (during realization, in progress) marked with icon - the task is being just realized;
    • Done (realized, completed) marked with icon - the task was completed.

    Information about the history of the task (date and time of the task transition between states) can be obtained by following the steps below:
    1. Touch the task and drag it gently to the right without lifting your finger.
    2. A More button should appear on the left side of the task
    3. Click on the More button.
    4. From the menu of options that will appear, select History.
    5. History of state changes will be displayed according to the value selected in the settings: either from the newest or from the oldest. This setting can be changed in Settings / Go to settings / Corti / Section Default / Show history from.
    6. Pressing the icon displays actions possible to take.
  • ordinary, two-state, which may be in one of two states:
    • To do (to realize) marked with icon - the task is waiting to be realized;
    • Done (realized, completed) marked with icon - the task was completed.
  • counter, used for counting:
    • repetitions, marked with icon ; each press of such a task increases the counter by 1;
    • values , marked with icon ; each press of such a task allows you to enter the value by which the counter is to be increased.
    The counter value is displayed at the very bottom of the task description
    When the Goal property of counting task is set, the percentage of task completeness is calculated and the appropriate graphical symbol (circle) is drawn on task icon
  • timer, which may be in one of four states:
    • To do (to realize) marked with icon - the task is waiting for the next measurement of its duration to begin;
    • Doing (during realization, in progress; active) marked with icon - the task is being realized and the measurement of its duration is on;
    • Pauza (during realization, in progress; suspended) marked with icon - the task is being realized and the measurement of its duration is paused;
    • Done (realized, completed) marked with icon - the measurement of the task duration has been completed.
    For time tasks, additional information is displayed under the icon (2: 0:02:13) , dependendt on the application settings:
    • Total time - the total duration of the measurement, i.e. from the moment the Start button was pressed until the Stop button was pressed;
    • Activity time - duration of the measurement, i.e. from the moment the Start button was pressed until the Stop button was pressed, ignorin the time when the task was in Pause.
    In both cases, the time given is preceded by a measurement number.
    This setting can be changed in Settings / Go to settings / Corti / Section General / Timer task time.
    The frequency of the update of this time can be changed in Settings / Go to settings / Corti / Section General / Timer update interval.

The total duration of the task consists of at least one measurement and each measurement consists of at least one interval.
The time measurement results are available after clicking on the name of the timer task. The information on the screen is interpreted as follows

Information on measurements
  • The total active time of all measurements: 0:00:57
  • Total time of all measurements including
    pause times: 0:01:17
  • The first measurement began: 2018-11-28 14:34:07
  • The last measurement ended: 2018-11-28 14:35:24
  • The active time of the first measurement: 0:00:57
  • Time of the first measurement including
    pause times: 0:01:17
  • The first measurement began: 2018-11-28 14:34:07
  • The first measurement ended: 2018-11-28 14:35:24
Information on the intervals of the selected measurement
  • Time of the first interval first measurement: 0:00:22
  • The interval began: 2018-11-28 14:34:07
    and ended: 2018-11-28 14:34:29
  • Time of the second interval second measurement: 0:00:08
  • The interval began: 2018-11-28 14:34:40
    and ended: 2018-11-28 14:34:45
  • Time of the third interval third measurement: 0:00:25
  • The interval began: 2018-11-28 14:34:59
    and ended: 2018-11-28 14:35:24
By clicking on the arrow icon we can unfold and fold detailed information on the times.
Example with two measurements and five intervals
  • The first measurement has three intervals
    and started 2018-11-28 14:34:07
    and ended 2018-11-28 14:35:25.
    The total duration of this measurement is 0:01:17,
    and the activity time (without pause time) is 0:00:57.
  • The second measurement has two intervals
    and started 2018-11-28 14:36:04
    and ended 2018-11-28 14:36:57.
    The total duration of this measurement is 0:00:54,
    and the activity time (without pause time) is 0:00:39.

Active and inactive lists

Lists with tasks are grouped on two tabs:

  • Active with lists containing tasks whose states can be changed (currently under execution);
  • Inactive with lists containing tasks whose states can not be changed (currently not under execution).
Third tab - Timer - contains all tasks from active lists that are timer tasks.

For active lists, information about the number of tasks to realize (to do), during realization (doing) and realized (done) is located on the bar under the name of the list .

The numbers given, depending on the option selected in the settings Settings / Go to Settings / Corti / Section General / Count timer tasks, may or may not include timer tasks.

The total number of lists and tasks is also displayed on the badge of the tab with active lists:

  • Label with a sign minus, e.g. 1|-0 means: total number of lists: 1, total number of tasks to realize (To do): 0
  • Label with a sign plus, e.g. 1|+0 means: total number of lists: 1, total number of realized tasks (Done): 0
  • Label without a sign, e.g. 1|0 means: total number of lists: 1, total number of tasks during realization (Doing): 0
This setting can be changed in Settings / Go to Settings / Corti / Section General / Tasks type on Active badge.

Enabling for the selected active list the option When all done move to Inactive, available after pressing the list details icon located on the right side of the list (or during its creation), will automatically move the list to the Inactive when all tasks are in Done(realized, completed) state.

The list will not be moved to Inactive, even if the option When all done move to Inactive is enabled, if one of its tasks is a timer task. The reason for this is the specificity of timer tasks that can be repeatedly started and ended as part of many measurements.

For inactive lists, the number of tasks to realize (to do), during realization (doing) and realized (done) is not displayed under the list name.

For each inactive list you can set in the field Activate on date, available by pressing the list details display icon located on the right side of the list (or during its creation), the date of the autoactivation of the list, which will be signaled by displaying this date on the right under the list name .


For each active list, you can set the Complete due to date field, which you can access by pressing the list details icon located on the right side of the list (or during its creation), the finale date when all taks should be ended. In this case new items will appear on the screen with active lists:

  • The summary bar at the top of the screen

    containing information about:
    • the number of lists whose tasks must be completed
      due to exceeding the deadline for their completion date.
    • the number of lists whose tasks should be completed
      latest on the current day due to
      the deadline for their completion is comming.
    • the number of lists whose tasks could by completed,
      but they do not have to, because of
      the deadline for their completion is specified in the future.
  • The number under the list icon informs about:
    • backlog - the number of days that have passed since the day,
      when the tasks were to be completed;
    • realization on time - tasks should be
      finished on the current day;
    • time reserve - the number of days remaining
      until the day the tasks should be completed.

Adding, changing order and deleting lists and tasks. Moving tasks

Adding, both lists and tasks is possible after pressing the icon located in the upper right corner of the screen with lists (for lists) or tasks (for tasks). For tasks, we can add them one by one (button One) or in groups (button Multiple) .
Adding a single task we have the choice to:

  • save data related to the task being just entered so that in the future we can quickly enter the task (button Save)
  • download task data previously saved in order to quickly create another task based on it (button Load).

Changing order, both lists and tasks is possible after pressing the icon located in the upper right corner of the screen with lists (for lists) or tasks (for tasks). When reordering is possible, this icon takes the form and an icon appears on the right side of the elements . By tapping it and without pulling your finger, you can drag the list / task to the desired place. The changes are saved after pressing the icon , which will change its state (appearance) to the initial one .

In order to delete the list or task, one should

  1. Touch the list / task and do not pull the finger drag it gently to the left.
  2. The Delete button should appear to the right of the list / task.
  3. Click on the Delete button.

In order to move the task to another list, one should

  1. Touch the task and, without pulling your finger, drag them gently to the right.
  2. A button Move should be displayed on the left side of the task.
  3. Click on the Move button.
  4. On the screen with available lists, select the list for which the task is to be moved. The current letter on which the task is currently presented is displayed as inactive (in shades of gray).

Quickly add multiple tasks

Being on the screen with the tasks of the selected list and clicking on the button for adding a new task located in the upper right corner of the screen we can add not only a single task, but several at the same time. To do this, after pressing the Multiple button, enter in the visible text field the information about the tasks (one task in a line) separating by a semicolon (;)

  • the name of the task,
  • short description (details),
  • type of task - t lub T for a timer task, 2 for an ordinary two-state task and 3 for an ordinary three-state task.
Here are some examples
  • Task 1, list 2;Test
    Creates a task named Task 1, list 2 with short description (details) Test.
    This task, depending on the state of the option Is a two state task, will have 2 states if the option is enabled and 3 states if the option is disabled.
  • Task 2, list 2
    Creates a task named Task 2, list 2.
    This task, depending on the state of the option Is a two state task , will have 2 states if the option is enabled and 3 states if the option is disabled.
  • Task 3, list 2;Test;t
    Creates a task named Task 3, list 2 short description (details) Test.
    This task will be a timer task (valuet at the end of the definition).
  • Task 4, list 2;;2
    Creates a task named Task 4, list 2.
    This task will have two states (value 2 at the end of the definition) regardless of the option Is a two state task state.
  • Task 5, list 2;;3
    Creates a task named Task 5, list 2.
    This task will have three states (value 3 na końcu definicji) at the end of the definition) regardless of the option Is a two state task state.


In order to add notes to the list or task, you should

  1. Touch the list / task and without pulling your finger drag it gently to the right.
  2. On the left of the list / task the Notes button should be displayed
  3. Click the Notes button.
  4. A screen will appear displaying all currently existing notes related to the selected list / task.
  5. By clicking on the icon, we can add a new note.
    Any number of notes can be associated with a list / task.
  6. By clicking on the name (title) of any note in the list, you can edit it and use the Previous and Next buttons or the slider to display other notes related to the list / task.
If at least one note is associated with the list / task, then the information icon is displayed on the list / task icon:

By clicking on the icon, we have the option to change the order of existing notes. This change is done in the same way as in the case of changing the order of lists / tasks, as described in Adding, changing order and deleting lists and tasks. Moving tasks

In order to delete notes, you should
  1. Touch the note and without pulling your finger drag it gently to the left.
  2. The Delete button should appear on the right side of the note.
  3. Click the Delete button.

Creating a copy

Although the application does not require extensive backup mechanisms, it offers three ways to create a copy of the data.

  • Create a copy of data with iCloud Drive
    • Addition After going to the Settings tab and pressing the button Save to iCloud Drive a copy of the application data will be created in iCloud Drive .
    • Restoration After going to the Settings tab and pressing the button Restore from iCloud Drive we select a copy of the data in iCloud Drive to be restored .
    • Deletion The copy file can be deleted from iCloud Drive like any other file.
  • Creating a copy of data to an email
    • Addition After going to the Settings tab we complete the text field in the section Email or iCloud Drive backup section then press the Backup by email button. A message will be created with an attachment being a copy of the current data.
      The default value for the text field in the Email or iCloud Drive backup section can be specified in the application settings: tab Settings / Go to Settings / Corti / Section Defaults / Backup email.
    • Restoration A copy sent to an email can be used to restore data via iCloud Drive.
    • Deletion The copy file can be deleted with the email.
  • Share with other applications
    • After going to the Settings select Share and then select the application to which you want to transfer a copy od your data: